NPOWER – on the Spotlight


About NPower

NPO’s have always been important in providing support and care to South Africans and this has been highlighted throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Although NPO’s provide such crucial services, resources are often stretched and teams are overworked and facing trauma every single day. Pandemic-related issues have caused many NPO’s to close their doors and to stop the valuable work they have been providing when communities need it the most. NPO’s have always provided help, resources and support to others, but never before has the mental health of our NPOs and their staff been prioritised. While many corporates have Employee Assistance Programmes in place, the NPO sector has been forgotten in these processes. Now more than ever, we need to give NPO’s the Mental Health support they so desperately need.

NPOwer is a first-of-its kind NPO Mental Health Support Programme and 24-hour toll-free Helpline that offers FREE Mental Health care and support to all NPO’s in South Africa. This initiative sees Tshikululu Social Investments partnering with SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) who provide psychological first aid to NPO leaders, staff and volunteers, many of whom are experiencing unprecedented strain and burnout.

 The NPOwer programme includes a dedicated 24-hour NPO Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Helpline manned by a team of dedicated counsellors. The programme also includes capacity workshops on NPO related issues. The Toll-Free NPOwer helpline is now LIVE and will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with counselling available in all 11 official languages.

Helpline - 0800 515 515

When we find a resources worth sharing, we do exactly that, you’re welcome. Check out their services and resources to help support and empower your team. 

Mental Health Resources


Support Groups